Mind in the Line of Fire: Psychoanalytic Voices to the Challenges of Our Times

Invited by the IPA to participate in a worldwide short essay contest, in this book the winners, 120 authors from 34 countries, share their thoughts about the challenges and complexities of our times. They show how wars, migration, climate change, racial prejudice, gun violence, and child abuse affect us; they explore, dream, muse, reason, mourn, and remember; they grapple with loss, alienation, anxiety, fear, and despair; and they find love, hope, comfort, patience, new answers, and creative ways to think about the conflicts and difficulties we are facing. The IPA in the Community and the World committees on Climate, Culture, Education, Health, Humanitarian Fields & United Nations, Law, Migrants & Refugees, Violence, and Prejudice, Discrimination & Racism have selected these texts to inspire a dialogue with all who want to develop a deeper understanding of the world we’re living in.

As we wanted to make these texts accessible to as many readers as possible, we decided to publish them in English and in Spanish. Unfortunately, the size of this collection ruled out the inclusion of the original texts written in a third language; however, you may find these original versions here.

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