IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

Welcome to the new IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis, which is intended to be a truly international and up-to-date tool for all psychoanalysts and psychotherapists who work psychoanalytically, as well as for scholars in the academic and cultural fields and anyone interested in psychoanalysis.

The Dictionary is currently a work in progress. All our finished entries are made available in the IPA official languages of English, French, German and Spanish.

IRED Translators

In addition to professional translations into IPA languages German, Spanish and French, the IRED is kindly translated into 10 additional languages by teams of IPA members volunteer translator-analysts.

Please meet the teams here:

1. Volunteer Translator-Analysts  
2. Professional Translators  

Read all entries in our e-book









Entries in other languages

Classical Arabic

Conflict - New! 

Traditional Chinese

Conflict - New! 

The Unconscious
Setting - New!

Einträge In Andere Sprachen

Klassisches Arabisch

Konflikt - Neu! 

Traditionelles Chinesisch

Konflikt - Neu! 
Setting, das psychoanalytische

Containment: Container-Contained  
Setting, das psychoanalytische  

Das Unbewusste
Setting, das psychoanalytische - Neu! 


We held a very successful Panel at the 2023 IPA Congress in Cartagena, on 'The Inevitable Socio-cultural Dimension of Psychoanalytic Concepts', focusing on the profound influences of socio-cultural realities on the evolution of concepts. Recognition of such influences is written into the basic philosophy of the IRED project. They reverberate through the regional and inter-regional work, as the regional and tri-regional teams, guided by Co-Chair strive for the fullest representation of all viable perspectives across the three IPA  regions. 

  • Click here to read the presentation in English (PDF) 



The panel IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary: Migration and Mutation of Concepts took place on the last day of the IPA Vancouver Congress, August 1st, 2021.

Focusing on the concepts of Self and Intersubjectivity, the panelists Stefano Bolognini (Chair of IRED), Arne Jemstedt (Co-Chair for Europe), Ines Bayona (Co-Chair for Latin America) and Eva Papiasvili (Co-Chair for North America) elucidated how the concepts change (mutate) as they cross (migrate) among different psychoanalytic and socio-cultural geographies.

  • Click here to to listen to the pre-Congress podcast of the introduction/abstract of the Panel
  • Click here to watch a video introduction to the Panel by Eva Papiasvili
  • Click here to read all the presentations made by the Panel (Stefano Bolognini, Arne Jemstadt, Ines Bayona, Eva Papiasvili - PDF version)

We gave a panel presentation at our Congress in London, 26 July 2019.

We discussed our dictionary in a panel at our Congress in Buenos Aires, 25-29 July 2017.

  • Click here to read an abstract of the Panel
  • Click here to download the Panel Presentation (PDF)
  • Click here to download the Visual Panel Presentation (PDF)


Why an inter-regional encyclopedic dictionary? Why now? 

Click here to VIEW a SHORT FILM and read about IRED's unique features and experience.

Click here to find out about the background to this project and our reasons for embarking on it.

This dictionary has involved a unique approach to inter-regional collaboration.

Click here to read about our aims and methodology.
Click here to read our mandate.
Click here to see the IRED Committee.
Click here to read about the people involved.

10 Years of IRED

 The Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary is now ten years old! To mark this important anniversary, the IRED is holding panels and conferences as part of regional psychoanalytic congresses, throughout the year. 

Read the presentation of our celebratory event on 22 March 2024 at the EPF Conference in Florence, Italy, here.

Read the presentation of our IRED panel event and IRED contributors conference on 9 and 10 February 2024 at the APsA National Meeting in New York City, USA, here.


A short film introducing the Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary and experience.

Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary Co-Chair for North America Eva Papiasvili introduces our panel at the IPA Congress on 1st August 2021.

Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary Task Force Chair Stefano Bolognini and Regional Co-Chairs for Europe and North America, Arne Jemstedt and Eva Papiasvili, discuss their experience of the project

Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychoanalysis Committee (IRED) members describe IRED’s unique features and their experience of working on it.

See also our IPA Committee of the Month feature from July 2022: Multiple Voices of the IRED here.



Your constructive comments are very much welcomed. Please click on 'add' in the box below to leave them. If you have more substantial feedback (suggestions, proposals, technical comments), please email our Dictionary Task Force.

Posted April 12, 2017 by Catherine Hall
I was very interested in your examination of the unconscious - one of the most thorough that I've seen so far.
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