IPA Publications Committee and Freud Museum London Celebrate 100 Years of Freud's The Ego and the Id


In this monumental work, Freud rethinks the entire metapsychological underpinnings of psychoanalysis, based on clinical observation. As he states in his preface, these pages touch upon topics that have not yet been the subject of psychoanalytic consideration, and it has been inevitable to engage with theories proposed by non-analysts or former analysts in their retreat from analysis. 

Here we witness the result of Freud’s brilliance as a clinician-scientist, leading to a new model of the mind that potentially holds profound implications for psychoanalytic understanding and the psychoanalytic method. What is surprising is how many analysts never integrated Freud’s second model of the mind. In this book, we invited several scholars, now 100 years later, to revisit this important work. The results were interesting, surprising, creative, and at times confusing. Most psychoanalysts will find it intriguing. Ego and the Id 100 Years Later
The Freud Museum is marking the centenary of the publication of Freud’s famous book, The Ego and the Id, with an exhibition, which transforms the space of Freud’s house not previously available to the public into an intimate and interactive zone, where visitors explore the visual metaphors behind the id, ego and superego - concepts that have become household names.


Heribert Blass, Dr. med. – Training and Supervising Analyst for adults, children and adolescents, member of the German Psychoanalytic Association (DPV), President elect of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), Past President of the European Psychoanalytical Federation (EPF). He works in private practice in Düsseldorf, Germany. He has several publications on male identity and sexuality, the image of the father in human mental life and on supervision in psychoanalytic education, the relation between internal and external reality including the Covid-19 pandemic and others. His latest publication: Blass H. (Ed., 2023): Zeit und Zeiterleben. Psychoanalyse im Dialog mit Neurobiologie, Physik und Geschichtswissenschaft (English title: Time and Experience of Time. Psychoanalysis in Dialogue with Neurobiology, Physics and Historical Science).

Eric R. Marcus, M.D. is professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and training and supervising analyst at the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, where he was the director for ten years. He is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. A proponent of modern ego psychology, he believes modern ego psychology is an umbrella meta theory for psychoanalysis as a general psychology. His latest book is Modern Ego Psychology and Human Sexuality- the Meaning of Treatment. His previous book is Psychosis and Near Psychosis- Ego Function, Symbol Structure, Treatment, rev 3rd ed. Both by Routledge

Dr. Gohar Homayounpour Psy.D. is a psychoanalyst and award-winning author. She is a member of the International Psychoanalytic Association, and the American Psychoanalytic Association. She is a Training and Supervising psychoanalyst of the Freudian Group of Tehran, of which she is also founder and past president. She is a member of the scientific board at the Freud museum in Vienna, and of the IPA group Geographies of Psychoanalysis. Her first book, Doing Psychoanalysis in Tehran (2012, MIT) won the Gradiva award and has been translated into many languages. Her latest book is titled Persian Blues, Psychoanalysis and Mourning (2022, Routledge).

Emilia Raczkowska is a psychologist, psychotherapist and Education and Outreach Manager at the Freud Museum London, where she leads educational activities for universities, professional and community groups from around the world. She is the founder and head of the Museum’s mental health outreach provision, which makes imaginative use of Sigmund and Anna Freud’s collection objects to engage diverse audiences with psychoanalytic ideas about inner life. She is the author of the Freudian Wisdom for the Times of Turmoil programme supporting the UK National Health Service workforce. 
In 2023, she curated the exhibition A Century of the Ego and the Id with her colleague Daniel Bento, Freud Museum’s Operations Manager.

Cordelia Schmidt-Hellerau, Ph.D., is a Training and Supervising Analyst of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and the Swiss Psychoanalytic Society. She worked as a 
professor for clinical psychology at the University of Zürich, Switzerland, and published numerous papers on theoretical, clinical, and applied psychoanalysis. Her monograph Life Drive & Death Drive, Libido and Lethe. A Formalized Consistent Model of Psychoanalytic Drive and Structure Theory was published in German (1995), French (2000), English (2001) and Russian (2002). Her 2018 publication of Driven to Survive was a finalist of the American Board & Academy of Psychoanalysis Book Prize. She also published three novels, most recently Memento. A Novel in Dreams, Thoughts, and Images (2023). Since 2017 she is the Chair of the IPA in Culture Committee. She works in private practice in Chestnut Hill, MA.

Fred Busch, Ph.D.-- is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, and has been 
invited to teach at many Institutes. He’s published eight books, and has published over 80 articles on psychoanalytic technique, along with many book reviews and chapters in books. eight books. His work has been translated into many languages, and he has been invited to present over 180 papers and clinical workshops nationally and internationally. 
His last six books are: 
-Creating a Psychoanalytic Mind (2014); The Analyst’s Reveries: 
-Explorations in Bion’s Enigmatic Concept (2019); 
-Dear Candidate: Analyst From Around the World Offer Personal Reflections on Psychoanalytic Training, Education, and the Profession (2020); 
-A Fresh Look at Psychoanalytic Technique (2021, Psychoanalysis at the Crossroads: An International Perspective (2023). 
-The Ego and Id: 100 years later (2023), How Does Analysis Cure? (2024)

Natacha Delgado is a graduated member of the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association. She co-edited with Dr. Fred Busch “The Ego and the Id: 100 years later” (Routledge, 2023). She works in private practice in clinical psychoanalysis in the city of Buenos Aires.