IPA Webinar: Music, adolescence and psychoanalysis

Date: 28 June 2024


This webinar will explore the profound connection between music, adolescence, and psychoanalysis in our upcoming webinar. We will discover how adolescents use music to express and process their emotions, reflecting their psychic development and evolving identity. We will analyze cases and theories illustrating music's influence on young people's psychological structures. Join us to gain a deeper understanding of this fascinating intersection between art and the human mind.

We present here the work of a group of 12 Italian psychoanalysts who met online for about a year, carrying out the project of a book (the KnotGarden, e-published in February 2024 by the Centro Veneto di Psicoanalisi) dedicated to Music and Adolescence. Twelve different voices, from as many points of view, focus on the kaleidoscopic world of adolescence, emphasizing the role music plays in the age of sex love & rock'n'roll.

1) The acoustic rêverie: tuning the Analyst, listening the un-heard: Anna Cordioli

In the flow of each session, we encounter our patients through a relational "tempo" full of sounds, silences, chords, arrangements and frequencies (in and out of tune).

When the analyst offers their deep listening, those sounds, words and speech can be considered as musical phenomena of the session, revealing deep elements of the psyche.

This kind of sensitivity helps communication at a conscious and even unconscious level.

2) Music and adolescence over time: continuities and changes: Massimo De Mari

The purpose we set out to achieve was to understand what has changed in the inner world of modern adolescents. We compared them to those from the previous generations, focusing on the point of view of music, as it is the ideal container of the world of emotions and thus the one closest to the unconscious.

3) Adolescence music: a psychoanalytic listening: Monica Bomba

Through a journey in the music of adolescence, we explore and discuss some of the psycho-relational aspects most characteristic of "the age of uncertainty." We will discuss the relationship between the role that music particularly plays in this stage of life and the development of the intersubjective mind, which goes through a specific evolution in adolescence.

Anna Cordioli  
Psychologist, psychotherapist, and psychoanalyst member of the Società Psicoanalitica Italiana (SPI).  IPA Associate member and Groupanalyst. Anna also serves as the web and Communication manager of the Centro Veneto di Psicoanalisi (CVP) and is a member of the editorial board of SPIWEB (SPI), manager of SPI’s Social Media, Editorial Member of the journal PSICHE (SPI), of the journal KnotGarden della Psicoanalisi (CVP), and the journal Gruppi (COIRAG). Head of the CVP's “Sex and Gender Diversity Studies” group and member of the Italian SGDS group.  She has long collaborated with the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Padua (Italy) as a researcher and external professor, and now she’s a senior Lecturer in several postgraduate psychoanalytical psychotherapy institutes. She operates in private practice in Padova and works as a supervisor and molder in Public Services and facilities in Mental and Social Health.

Massimo De Mari
M.D., psychiatrist, criminologist, and psychoanalyst. Full member of the Italian Society of Psychoanalysis (SPI) and the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA). Member of the Italian Society of Criminology. Member of the International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy (IAFP) board. Core member of the FEP “Ad hoc group on acting out patients”. Member of the SPI and IPA committees on Psychoanalysis and Law. He works as a psychoanalyst in private practice and as a psychiatrist in the prison system in Padova. He teaches “Forensic Psychiatry” in the Forensic Psychology course and “A Psychoanalytic Approach to Criminology” in the Master course on Criminology at the IUSVE University (Venice). He edited a book on Forensic Psychiatry titled L'io criminale (The criminal Ego) (Alpes 2018). He earned a conservatory degree in jazz music and played music as semi-professionally. He edited a book titled Tra psicoanalisi e musica (Between Psychoanalysis and music) (Alpes 2015) and published many articles on this topic.
Monica Bomba 
M.D., child and adolescent psychiatrist, couple therapist, and psychoanalyst.
Member of the Italian Society of Psychoanalysis (SPI) and the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA). Editor in chief of the IJP Italian Annual, L’annata psicoanalitica internazionale. Member of the IPA Communication Committee and the Milanese Center of Psychoanalysis Communication Committee.  Teacher and supervisor for the School of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, ASNEA, Monza, Italy. She works as a psychoanalyst in private practice in Milan and teaches “Bion’s theory of thinking” at ASNEA. She has published several articles and book chapters in national and international journals on child and adolescent psychiatric and psychoanalytic topics. From 2019 to 2022, she co-chaired a heterogeneous group of psychoanalysts (members and candidates) and participants with other formations on the topic of music and psychoanalysis.

Rosa Spagnolo

MD Child Neuropsychiatrist. Psychoanalyst a full member of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society (SPI).  Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist. Member of the International Psychoanalytic Association.  Co-chair of the Italian Psychoanalytic Dialogues Association. Member of the Neuropsychoanalysis Association (NPSA) and leader of the Italian NPSA group.  Professor of Psychology of Nutrition and Treatment of EWD.  Master II Level - Diagnosis and Treatment of Eating and Weight Disorders - Tor Vergata University, Rome. Professor of Psychoanalytic Psychopathology - School of Psychoanalytic and Group Analytic Orientation - Reggio Calabria. Chair of the IPA website - Psychoanalysis in the Age of Neuroscience. Chair of the SPI website - Neuroscience. She has published several papers on neuropsychiatric developmental disorders and psychoanalytic topics.   She is one of the organizers of the annual IPD-NPSA Rome conference on neuroscience and psychoanalysis.