Nominations are open for the following positions: 

- 21 Representatives to the IPA Board (7 from each IPA region, to take office in 2025)
- IPA Treasurer


c/o Leslie Brissett (email: [email protected]). No proposal received after this date will be accepted unless specifically invited by a Nominating Committee (eg. in cases where an insufficient number of proposals have been received).

All 21 Representative posts will be voted upon in the relevant region only.
The IPA Treasurer is globally elected and will be voted upon in all regions.

To qualify, candidates in these elections must have either:

1) a proposal from a Component Society or the Regional Association (or any of its affiliates), or
2) a proposal from 10 IPA Members.

REPRESENTATIVES TO THE BOARD (regionally elected):
Proposals for the 21 Representative positions will be forwarded to the relevant Regional Nominating Committees. Each Regional Nominating Committee will aim to put forward between 11 and 14 candidates for the 7 positions within its region. 

14 of the current Representatives are eligible for re-election, but will not be slated automatically and must be proposed in the same way as other nominees.

The rosters of the Regional Nominating Committees for the 2025 elections are:

European Regional Nominating Committee:
Robert Musella, Chair
Burkhard Brosig 
Rolands Ivanovs 
Vendula/Vaclava Probstova 
Anne Rosenberg 

Latin American Regional Nominating Committee:
Laura Veríssimo, Chair
Gleda Araújo 
Fernanda Marinho 
Eliana Montuori 
Bruno Salesio 

North American Regional Nominating Committee:
Carolyn Steinberg, Chair
Gennifer Lane Briggs  
Andrea Greenman  
Jane Yates  
Jaehak Yu  

IPA TREASURER (globally elected):
The current Treasurer, Adela Escardó, has served one term of 2 years and will be eligible for re-election for a second term. Under the geographic rotation system, the IPA Treasurer must be from the Latin America region. It is usual for the incumbent to be slated unopposed. Any proposals for the position of Treasurer will be forwarded to the Central Nominating Committee.

The roster of the Central Nominating Committee for the 2025 elections is:

Gleda Araujo 
Eliana Montuori 
Roland Ivanovs 
Anne Rosenberg 
Andrea Greenman
Jane Yates 

The Central Nominating Committee will select one of its member to serve as Chair by 1 July 2024.

Important note: Names proposed will not automatically be put forward for election. The Nominating Committees will decide on the names that appear on the final slate according to IPA criteria. The IPA Procedural Code document Rules, Limits and Procedures for IPA Elections can be found on the IPA's website here.

Please note that, except with the Board's express consent, a member of a Provisional Society or Study Group, who is not also a member of a Component Society or the Regional Association, is not eligible to run for elected office.




IPA Elections 2025


IPA Elections are conducted in accordance with this link to Rule 9 Elections to and Holding Office . The detailed dates and processes  can be found by clicking on this link  Rules Limits and Procedures for IPA Elections.

The IPA is a membership organisation that is run by and for its membership. The elections cycle is a vital activity for the membership to choose the Board of Representative members who will take day to day responsibility for policy and development of the Association and the Profession. In 2025, the membership will also elect the IPA Treasurer.

IPA Election turnouts vary across the 3 Regions. To demonstrate democratic engagement an increase in turnout would be welcome.

All members are invited to:

1. Ensure that your Component Society has your current email address.
2. Ensure that your dues are up to date so that you can be considered in “good standing” for voting and nomination.

For further information about the IPA Elections 2025, contact Leslie Brissett, IPA Board Secretary, [email protected]



Key dates for your diary:

May 1 2024:
an open call for nominations will be issued by the Vice President
July 31 2024:
at the latest -nominations to be submitted to IPA Office
15 September 2024: 
Regional Nominating Committees will complete the slate for their Region.