Society Contact Information

Eastern European Committee Candidate Support

The East European Sub-Committee of ING (EEC) functions as an oversight and coordinating body, working with Study Groups (and their Sponsoring Committees), Provisional Societies and Component Societies in the East European region to ensure the continued training of EPI candidates who have not completed their training by the time of the closure of the EPI. The EEC is not a regular Training Committee and does not normally authorise training, unless an existing candidate’s training cannot be validated by one of the East European IPA Study Groups, Provisional Societies or Component Societies and with the approval of the ING Chair and European Co-Chair. In this regard, the EEC can take independent steps where required to support the completion of training of existing candidates including providing evaluations and validations of training at EPF conferences and/or other events. The EEC, in this case, would be responsible for Direct Member recommendations to the Board via the ING committee. NO NEW CANDIDATES WILL BE ACCCEPTED