IPA Committee of the Month

The Membership Communications Subcommittee has launched the IPA Committee of the Month. This is a space to showcase the work and give a voice to our committees. We hope that you enjoy it. 

Luis Alejandro Nagy 
Chair - Membership Communications
Contact: [email protected]

Committee of the Month Archive

20242023 | 2022

The work of the Candidate Loan Panel (CLP)

The IPA has had an interest-free loan programme for candidates since 2004. The purpose of this programme is to help candidates who have at least started their first patient supervision and who have some financial difficulty caused by illness, unexpected and unfortunate life changes, or unpredictable economic problems such as inflation or job losses, wars or pandemics.

Every year, the IPA earmarks 50,000 USD for this purpose and lends up to 5,000 USD per person for repayment 1 year after completion of the training or 8 years after the loan. Over the 20 years of the CLP, the total amount lent has reached 1,000,000 USD.

The Candidate Loan Panel is responsible for selecting from among the registered candidates those who have the greatest need, always guaranteeing the confidentiality of the candidates who apply. It is also up to the members of the committee to ensure fairness in the allocation of the money between the regions of IPA. It is also our job to encourage donations to the programme and to ensure that we make good use of the funds.

Among the current committee's projects are to gain a better understanding of the return on the loans made and to improve the selection methods using tools provided by IPA staff through Ana Paiva.

More information about the programme can be found at the links below:


Members of CLP:

Alexandre Martins de Mello - Chair

Brazilian Psychoanalytical Society of Ribeirão Preto – BRAZIL

Eija Ripo 
Finnish Psychoanalytical Society – FINLAND

Edward Rounds
Psychoanalytic Center of California – USA

María Alejandra Rey
Sociedad Argentina de Psicoanálisis – ARGENTINA

Chrysi Gianoulaki
Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society – GRECE

Andrea M. Greenman
Contemporary Freudian Society – USA

Luiz Gerardo Montes Mendoza
Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico – MEXICO

Ana Paiva