Society Contact Information

Belgian Psychoanalytical Society

Rue Emile Claus 49
Brussels 1050
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 32 2 344 38 14
Fax: 32 2 344 38 14

The Belgian Society of Psychoanalysis has approximately 90 members. About half of them are doctors, the other half is essentially composed of clinical psychologists.

The scientific life in the society is very active. A scientific seminar which brings together all members is held twice a month and more than twenty small working groups continue their research. Every two years an internal Conference reserved for members of the society and a symposium open to professionals interested in the psychoanalytic approach is held. Different currents of thought coexist there, promoting discussion and constantly opening new opportunities for work.

The work of Freud is the base of the formation, enriched by those of Mr. Klein, D. Winnicott, W. Bion, and many contemporary authors.

For further information please visit the Society's own website shown above.

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Full NameChild AnalystTraining AnalystSpoken Language
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of 4 
Show all 67
Mme Dr. Heidy Allegaert  French161196
Sylviane Baert  French168231
Dr. Pierre Basiaux  English,French158129
Dr. Thierry Bastin  French161197
Mme Jacqueline Blockmans  English157111
Mme Dr. Katy Bogliatto Training AnalystEnglish,Italian,French146999
Mme Nicole CarelsChild Analyst French,English101333
Mme Géraldine Castiau  French147004
Mme Dr. Cathy CausanschiChild Analyst English157727
Mme Marie-Pierre ChaumontChild Analyst French146206
Mme Martine Commerman  French143047
Mme Dr. Carine De Buck  English154816
Mme Dr. Claire De Vriendt-GoldmanChild AnalystTraining AnalystEnglish,French147329
Dr. Jacques Delaunoy  French101955
Mme Jeannine DelgouffreChild Analyst French101960
Mme Dr. Christine DesmarezChild Analyst French140589
Mme Liliane Dirkx-PaduartChild AnalystTraining AnalystFrench140736
Mme Marie-France Dispaux- Ducloux Training AnalystEnglish,French102056
Mme Christine Drouillon  French161198
Mr. Christophe du BledChild Analyst French153131